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Knowledge Base  /  Cloud Application Manager  /  DR Readiness

Test Failover Operation

Updated by Sharon Wang on Sep 26, 2019
Article Code: kb/1263

In this article:


This article is meant to assist users of Cloud Application Manager willing to use Disaster Recovery feature, trying to initiate Test Failover Operation


All users of Cloud Application Manager who wants to use Disaster Recovery feature.


  • The production server is protected and 100% synced

Test Failover

  1. Navigate to the production windows server. Make sure BECR is running and you have last checkpoint taken, click on Test Failover
  2. Fill in the detailed information of Test Failover instance:
    a. Choose a desired checkpoint
    b. Choose the Instance Type
    c. Choose the VPC
    d. Choose the subnet
    e. Click on ** Test Failover**
  3. Once the Recovery server is deployed, you will be able to see the Test Failover instance on Instances tab
  4. You Can delete the Test Failover clone by simply deleted by Terminating it:

If you have additional questions, please contact Cloud Application Manager Support